Friday, January 6, 2017

Hello...Mr. Wonderful, are you out there

Is there really a Mr. Wonderful  out there?

As a single 49 year old, there isn't much to choose from. You see, the options either someone my age who in actuality is interested in someone half my age or the other option is someone 10 years my senior who is ready to retire and may not have "get up and go" that he used to. And I use the term get up and go loosely, if you know what I mean.

All I have to say is that it sucks!

In a nutshell, I have the above mentioned two men in my life right now and it has left me with a little, no, a lot of damn confusion.

First there is the forty something all around fun guy that is currently going thru that all too familiar divorce. We have been friends for several years and we really enjoy each others company (and i mean ENJOY) but now I am second guessing his motive and wondering if I have fallen into the "rebound". My Lord Im 49 and I'm worried about being a rebound...WHAT THE HELL!!! We're not in high school I am too old for this. But then again, I ain't getting any younger, beggars cant be choosers.

And then there is the 10 years (well its actually 12 but who is counting) my senior guy.Who happens to be one of the nicest men I have ever met in my tragically boring single years. Shoot, he even falls into the category of my classic "the one who got away" . He is that guy. He has a heart of gold and when he is a round I cant help but smile. I mean he is everything a woman can ask for. But, we are at a stagnant stage and I am so insecure about being the aggressive one. I wonder, is it the age difference. I mean when he was graduating high school, I was starting first grade. Damn it, there I go again...thinking too much. Over analyzing.

Denise, just have some damn fun. You deserve it!

Hmm...I have a plan, I should go by me one of those Magic8 balls. We relied so heavily on those in the 70s for all the right answers.

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